Artiste indépendant
Originaire de la banlieue nord de Paris, concepteur du projet CelloGraff, ma principale préoccupation se trouve au cœur de la ville, là où les codes se bouleversent, se recouvrent et disparaissent.
La rue digère tout et revêt différentes apparences au cours du temps.

>>> Mes Contacts

Articles avec le tag ‘kanos’

Endless Circle

 »… conforming to Western philosophy, which regards each center as the seat of all truth, our town centers are always full. They are places where the values of civilization are collected and condensed : values of spirituality (with churches), power (with offices), money (with banks), goods (with department stores) and words (with the ‘agora’: cafes and walks). Going downtown means encountering social ‘truth’, taking part in the sublime richness of ‘reality’. The city I’m referring to (Tokyo) presents this amazing paradox : it does have a center, but this center is empty. The whole city revolves around a place that is both forbidden and indifferent, an abode masked by vegetation, protected by moats, inhabited by an Emporer whom no one ever sees : literally, no one knows who does ever see him … Its center is no more than an evaporated ideal whose existence is not meant to radiate any kind of power, but to offer its own empty center to all urban movement as a form of support, by forcing perpetual traffic detours. Thus, it appears as an image that unfurls again and again in endless circles, around an empty core …  » Roland Barthes

Signs to recompose City

KANOS Hong Kong 2015

Road trip graffiti à Hong Kong
Avec Xeme, Jams, Edge, Royal, Phenix, Jukue, Hemp, Yumoh, Buckl, HkGraffiti

CelloGraff Fontenay-sous-Bois CONSTRUCTION EPHEMERE

Merci à Frédéric Lemoine, commissaire de L’exposition, la mairie de Fontenay-sous-Bois,
Fontenay en scenes, l’agence Osaro ainsi que Laurent et Fred nos supers régisseurs!

Merci aux artistes présent en guest sur l’installation et sur la CelloJam :

Merci aux photographes qui nous ont aidés à rendre compte de notre projet :
Bsaz, Redgiice, Alex Gallosi

Astro Kanos @ projet Home2

Astro & Kanos investissent une façade pour le projet HOME2 à Charleville-Mézières en compagnie des Moulin Crew!!!

Meeting of Styles 2014

Rendez-vous à Perpignan le 19, 20 & 21 Juillet 2014 pour le Meeting of styles FRANCE!!

Kanos Glücksbringer 2014

Pix by Lepytre

Merci à toute l’équipe du Moulin crew !!!

Meilleurs voeux 2014

Meeting of Styles 2013

Rendez-vous à Perpignan le 20 & 21 Juillet 2013 pour le Meeting of styles FRANCE!!

Sarasota Chalk Festival, Florida USA

thanks again to all people who take care of us, James Natacha Denise Doug Austin Becky Gaetan DjYoda Stacey Mark Kenyon Michelangelo MTO and everyone i met at the Chalk Festival in Sarasota Florida USA…